Gematria Codes

Pocket tool for automagically decoding gematria.

About Gematria Codes

This tool helps Truth seekers to decode and analyse Gematria against known words database, it automatically lists found matches, sorts findings by Gematria ciphers and makes date analysis easier. Tool also has Celebrity API integration that provides a database of famous people with their birth dates. Custom dates can be defined as well, as Celebrity API will not always able to find everything. Currently the following ciphers are supported - English Ordinal, Reverse Ordinal, English Reduction, Reverse Reduction, English Sumerian (English 6), Reverse English Sumerian (English 6), Satanic, Reverse Satanic, Jewish, Septenary, custom "Niptenary" based on the Septenary cipher, custom "English 9" based on English 6 cipher (Sumerian) and English 6 Qaballa. See more supported features below.


How are database keywords updated?

Database keywords are based on research from truth seekers and is updated regularly.


If you have any questions, suggestions or identified critical bug, please contact at

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